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Standard to follow to design and installation of CLEAN AGENT GAS SUPPRESSION SYSTEM
- NFPA 2001: Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems
- NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code
- NFPA 101: Life Safety Code
What is a Clean Agent?
Electrically nonconducting, volatile, or gaseous fire extinguishant that does not leave a residue upon evaporation.
Water-based fire protection systems work very well for most of the cases, but not for the occupancy having lots of electrical items. The clean agent gas suppression systems offer the best solution for fighting this type of fire. They produce no damage to the electronics as all the clean agents chemically non-reactive and leave no residue. It is a total flooding system means an agent should be discharged for the purpose of achieving a specified minimum agent
concentration throughout a hazard volume.
Benefits of Clean Agent Suppression System
- Fast Extinguishing – Most clean gas suppression systems can reach suppressing concentration levels in just 10 seconds or less, to extinguish the fire while it’s still in its very early or incipient stage before it results in catastrophic damage.
- Minimal Cleanup – Practically it needs no cleanup after a system discharge. Because it leaves no residue, normal ventilation is enough to restart the operation.
- Safe for Human– Clean agents are safe for people. But you should not stay longer than 5 minutes after the gas release because it presents a risk of suffocation and Barotrauma.
- Best of all, they are highly effective and eco-friendly.
Clean agent types

- HFC 227ea (FM 200), HFC 125 (NAF S 125), FK 5-1-12 (NOVEC 1230) reduce heat from the system such extent that fire put out. They also have chain reaction inhibition properties that help faster extinguishment.
- IG-55, IG-541, and IG-100 isolate or packetize Oxygen in the system hence extinguish the fire.

A clean agent fire suppression system consists of 3 subsystems such as a detection system, a pipe network for distribution, and a storage and release system. A detection system detects fire via detectors such as smoke detectors, heat detectors, aspiration detectors (VESDA), etc. After detecting a fire, it sends a signal to the Extinguishing control panel. Control pane then activates audio-visual alarms through sounder and strobe to alert people on the premises to vacate. It also sends another signal to actuate the attached solenoid valve actuator in the agent cylinder. Finally, gas is released and flowed through the pipes and extinguish the fire.
Recomended use case
- Computer Server Rooms
- Telecommunication control rooms
- Power plant control rooms
- Archives
- Sensitive electrical equipment storage room
- Water sensitive storage facilities